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Waypost is an open-source feature flagging platform specializing in A/B testing

Easily Toggle and Test New Features

Easily Toggle and Test New Features

Manage feature flags and experiments with a couple clicks.

Waypost analyzes the data and provides experiment results.

Flags Dashboard

Customizable and Flexible

Modular and Flexible

Waypost comes Dockerized for simple deployment.

Completely open-source and self-hosted, so it can be customized according to your needs.

Provides real-time updates and is easily scalable.


Case Study

1. Introduction

Waypost is an open-source, lightweight, self-hosted feature flag management platform that specializes in A/B Testing.

Waypost provides feature flag management infrastructure that integrates with an organization’s application and existing user event logging system. Waypost allows developers to control functionality remotely without deploying code and to run A/B tests to determine how a new feature impacts user behavior and business goals.

This case study explores the engineering problems Waypost addresses, how it works, and some of the key engineering decisions we made while building it. To better understand how an organization would benefit from integrating with Waypost, we introduce a hypothetical company, Solar Flair.

1.1 Hypothetical Waypost User

Solar Flair is a solar panel installation company with a handful of software engineers on their staff. Their main way of gaining business is via their website’s landing page. As is standard in the solar panel installation business, their primary sales funnel starts with clicking a button called “Get a Quote Today” which opens up a form.

In Solar Flair’s first iteration of their website, the form requires the customer to input the architectural data and their address in order to calculate how much sunlight their location typically gets. The developer team at Solar Flair sets up event tracking to try and understand how people interact with their website and they discover that 80% of people who click the “Get a Quote Today” button never finish the form and their quote never gets calculated. They get lost in step one of the funnel.

The developers get together and discuss why this is happening and theorize that entering all the architectural data is tedious and cumbersome. They believe they can increase the percentage of people signing up for an appointment by using a 3rd-party software which only requires the address of the home as input and then calculates the quote using satellite imagery and climate statistics. However, this software costs a subscription fee, so the team wants to be sure that this fee is worth the cost and gets them enough new customers to gain a profit. In addition, since it’s a 3rd-party software/API that may get updated, they don’t want their entire site to go down if it gets a major update and the quote calculation doesn’t work.

feature comparison

Solar Flair needs a way to measure and analyze user behavior when they use the new quote feature vs. the old one. In other words:

  1. They need to serve users either the new quote feature or the old one.
  2. They also need to determine whether users preferred the new quote, the old quote, or the change had no difference in behavior.

If something were to go wrong with the new quote feature, Solar Flair would like all users to be served the old one as soon as possible to minimize any business losses from the bug while it gets fixed.

1.2 Comparing Two Versions

One option is to roll out the new feature temporarily and measure how the metrics change. But there are several problems with this:

  1. The new feature hasn’t been tested in production and could have bugs. Therefore, Solar Flair wouldn’t want it rolled out to everyone at once.
  2. This strategy doesn’t control for external factors, like time. For example, users may be more likely to sign up at different times of the year. Without controlling for external factors, the change in metrics might be attributed to the new feature when it was actually caused by something else.

Therefore, Solar Flair needs to be sure the only difference between the two user experiences is the different feature being served to them. To do this, they’ll have to show both features during the same time period and randomize who gets which feature.

The solution Solar Flair is looking for is experimentation, also known as A/B testing.

2. A/B Testing

2.1 What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing is the practice of testing two or more versions of a feature at once, in which a random group of users is assigned to receive one version, and another random group of users is assigned the other version, for a certain period of time. The A/B test can be considered the most basic kind of randomized controlled experiment. In its simplest form, there are two treatments and one acts as the control for the other [1].

A and B features
In an experiment, users are served either version A or version B of an application.

2.2 Interpreting Results

After an A/B test has finished running, one can analyze the results to make a data-driven decision. Every experiment should have a primary metric, and possibly secondary metrics, by which it will be evaluated. The aggregate values for these metrics get collected for the test group and the control group for comparison. One can use statistics to determine if there was a statistically significant change in the metrics or not. Statistical significance is determined by a statistic called a “p-value”. With this information, the team can conclude whether the new feature being tested was “successful” or not, and make a decision whether to rollout the feature to their entire userbase, to remove it, or to continue to run more experiments. For example, if Solar Flair obtained a statistically significant increase in form completion rate with their new quote feature, then they could confidently roll out the new feature.

A/B decision
Interpreting results of an A/B test to decide whether to roll out a new feature.

2.3 Challenges of A/B Testing

As A/B testing requires a large amount of data to work, implementing A/B testing comes with several challenges. There are two primary categories that the challenges of A/B testing fall under: engineering challenges and statistics challenges.

2.3.1 Engineering Challenges

From an engineering standpoint, developers must contend with the challenges of:

  • How to assign users randomly into groups? Users must be randomly assigned so that the two groups can be fairly compared, and so the two groups can be roughly the same size.
  • How to keep track of what group they were in? Each user must be given the same treatment on each visit.
  • How to log user events? Each time an event that we are interested in occurs, it must be logged to the database along with relevant information regarding who, what, and where. In addition, one must log when a user is exposed to an experiment. This will result in a huge volume of writes to the database.
  • How to pull the metrics to analyze afterward? Each metric is calculated differently and some may rely on the same events, requiring the event data to be queryable and accessible. The metric calculation should also be automated so that one does not have to manually query the metrics each time.

2.3.2 Statistical Challenges

From a statistics standpoint, the main challenges are:

  • Designing the experiment correctly such that we can gain meaningful results from it. It may be surprising how easy it is to design an experiment incorrectly. For example, when running multiple experiments at the same time, one must ensure that different experiments do not influence each other’s results.
  • Determining which statistical tests to run on the data. There are many different types of statistical tests to choose from, each with different purposes. Therefore, picking which statistical tests to run must be done thoughtfully and with care.

3. Implementing Two Versions of a Site

Before Solar Flair can place their users into “test” and “control” groups, they must be able to serve the groups different versions of their website at the same time. There are two common ways to implement this:

  1. Have multiple deployments of the website running and route users to one or the other.
  2. Use feature flags to render their site one way or the other at run time.

3.1 Possible Solution: Multiple Deployments

This strategy is implemented by having two versions of an application running in production at once. The new version of the application is deployed to a set percentage of the organization’s servers. A router (usually a load balancer) will route users to the two sets of servers. The “rollout percentage,” the percentage of the users get routed to one group vs. the other, can be set to any percentage the user wants, whether it be 50/50, 10/90, etc.

multiple deployments
Deploy two versions of an application and route users to one version or another.

From here, if the new version proves to be an improvement, then the new version of the application is pushed to all the servers. If instead it has a negative effect on business metrics, then all servers with the new version are rolled back.

This approach allows an organization to run two versions of their website, collect user data on both versions, and compare the results. However, there are some trade-offs to this strategy.

3.1.1 Trade-off #1: Full redeploy to fix bugs

Using multiple deployments for serving two versions of a website requires a full take-down and redeploy to fix a bug. If there’s a critical bug in the new version of the application, the following steps must be completed:

  1. The rollout percentage must first be set to 0% so all requests will be handled by the group of machines with the old version of the application.
  2. The machines serving the new version must be rolled-back to handle traffic without crashing.
  3. The load balancer must be updated to allow rolled-back servers to receive requests again.
  4. Once the bug is fixed, the new version must be deployed, the rollout percentage must be set and the router must be configured accordingly.

3.1.2 Trade-off #2: Complexity when testing multiple features

As discussed earlier, if two versions of a feature are being served with multiple deployments means there are two versions of the entire application running in production. If another feature is also being tested at that time, that means another version of the application is needed to test it assuming that the two features being tested do not overlap.

For example, if Solar Flair also wants to test out a new contact form that is hosted on a separate page from their quote form, then those two new features would not overlap. If instead they wanted to test changing the form’s submit button and wanted to see how each combination of the form and button affected user behavior, they’d need four total deployments.

multivariate testing
To test two overlapping features using the “Multiple Deployment” strategy, there must be four total deployments!

Regardless of whether the additional new features being tested are overlapping or not, more tests results in:

  • More deployed copies of an application.
  • More versions of an application to keep track of, which can lead to human errors, such as implementing a change on the wrong version of the application.

A large company with a large infrastructure and some DevOps engineers may not be be bothered by additional deployments of code and keeping track of the different versions of the application. But it would be more challenging for smaller organizations to implement this solution.

Solar Flair only has a handful of developers and servers. Therefore it would not be wise to implement this strategy given the trade-offs. Fortunately for them, there’s a way to serve users two different versions of a site with just one instance of an application, through using feature flags.

3.2 Possible Solution: Feature Flags

“A feature flag is a software development process used to enable or disable functionality remotely without deploying code” [2].

A feature flag is conditional logic connected to a remote service that can alter its flow without a redeployment. One can think of a feature flag as a toggle that determines whether a feature is turned “on” or “off.” If the flag is turned “on”, the conditional returns true and the user receives one version of the application. If the flag is turned “off”, the conditional returns false and they receive another.

Flag evaluation
An application using feature flags to serve multiple versions of a website.
  if (evaluateFlag('Quote Form')) {
  } else {
Example of a feature flag in application code

One can wrap as much or as little code in the feature flag as they like. It could be something big like a completely different UI, or something small, like different colors on a “Checkout” button.

Feature flags can be static, meaning they’re either “on” or “off” for everyone; or dynamic meaning that they’re “on” or “off” for some users based on a criteria, like whether they’re in a “control group” or a “test group” of an A/B test. In order to make a flag dynamic, a “Toggle Router” is needed [3].

3.2.1 Toggle Router

A toggle router is simply something that “can be used to dynamically control which codepath is live” [3]. The evaluateFlag function from the example above is a toggle router. One can implement toggle routers in many ways, like a simple in-memory store or a standalone app with a user interface (UI).

A toggle router can be customized to evaluate a flag given any desired criteria. Using a toggle router, Solar Flair could set a rollout percentage so that a set percentage of users receive the new quote form while the rest receive the old one.

For example, Jack and Jill are two potential customers, both looking for solar panel installations for their respective homes. They each visit in their browsers. A toggle router inputs their unique identifiers (like their IP address) into a hashing algorithm and determines that Jack will receive the old version of the quote form and Jill will receive the new version. All this happens using just one version of Solar Flair’s website.

jack and jill comparison
Using an ID and hashing algorithm to evaluate flags allows Solar Flair to consistently serve a user the same version of their application on subsequent visits.

3.2.2 - Using Feature Flags for A/B Testing

As mentioned earlier, two key challenges of implementing AB Testing are:

1. Assigning users randomly into groups.

2. Serving a user the same treatment on each visit.

Solar Flair can solve these two challenges by using feature flags with a toggle router.

4. Existing Solutions

Solar Flair now knows they want to integrate feature flags into their web app and use them to perform A/B tests. What they don’t know is exactly how to implement this new system. Do they want to build it from scratch or integrate with an existing solution? If they want to build it, how much time and effort is needed to accomplish that?

4.1 DIY

If they decide to build the system, they’ll need to accomplish three things:

  1. Persistently store their feature flag data.
  2. Connect the flag data to their application to dynamically serve the two versions of their site.
  3. Collect user event data and analyze it to gain insights to drive their decision making.

4.1.1 Config File

The easiest and simplest way to store all the flag data in one place is by using a configuration file. This file would contain the flag data in a data structure and could look something like the code below:

  export default const flags = {
    "new quote": false,
    "other feature": true
Example of a config file to store feature flags.

The trade-offs with the config file are:

  • Flags can’t be set dynamically, they’re “on” or “off” for all users.
  • Every time the config file is updated the application must be redeployed for the changes to take effect.

The config file’s shortcomings make this option unappealing.

4.1.2 Database

applicaiton to database
Using a database to store flag data for an application.
application to database table
Flags table in the database.

A slightly better option for storing flag data is by using a database. With this configuration, Solar Flair’s app would query the database each time a flag’s status is needed and updates to the flags would be made using SQL commands, which would be cumbersome for non-technical employees to manage feature flags. The main benefit of this architecture is it would allow flag data to be updated without redeployment. [4]

However, there are some downsides to this architecture that makes it unappealing for Solar Flair’s use case:

  • It doesn’t solve the core problem of dynamically evaluating the flags.
  • It restricts management of the flags to technical members of the team who know SQL.
  • It doesn’t address analyzing the user event data.

What Solar Flair needs is something bigger and more robust: a place to easily manage their flags and their experiments. What they need is a feature flag management service, specifically one that can handle A/B testing.

4.1.3 Building a Feature Flag Management Service

Feature flag management services are platforms that allow developers to view all their feature flags in one place, usually through a user interface. They make the process of performing CRUD operations on the flags easier to implement and keep track of. In addition, the services often contain tools, such as custom flag evaluations, allowing developers to get more out of their feature flags.

To build this system oneself, one will need to build both the feature flagging and A/B testing services. One must first design and build the architecture to manage and evaluate feature flags. This will require several components such as a frontend, backend, database, and SDK at a minimum.

  1. A frontend interface will enable both developers and non-technical members of the organization to easily manage feature flags and experiments.
  2. A backend server and database will enable persistent storage of data.
  3. An SDK that lives in the organization’s app should return the “on” or “off” status for a given user based on factors like rollout percentage. It is typically necessary to have SDKs on both the client and server, since there are features to be managed on both.
  4. The SDKs also need to receive updated feature flag data when a change is made from the frontend, ideally in real-time so that features can be shut off immediately if needed.
diy architecture
Minimum Architecture of Feature Flag and A/B Testing Platform

4.1.4 Building the A/B Testing Functionality

In addition to the infrastructure for feature flag management, one must also build the A/B testing functionality to gain insights from changes in user event data. There are 4 steps to this:

  1. Collect the user event data.
  2. Process the data.
  3. Run statistical analysis.
  4. Display the results.

For the first step, a system must be in place to log user events and save them to a database using ETL pipelines. This infrastructure can be built in-house, or a 3rd party service like Mixpanel can be used. However, using a 3rd party service will offer less flexibility.

Then, the data must be processed by querying the event data and calculating metrics for each experiment and treatment.

Next, the metrics are used as inputs in statistical tests to determine whether the change in them is likely due to the change in feature or to random chance.

Lastly, the results are displayed, ideally with some visualization.

Having a data scientist on a team to give guidance would make the last three steps go smoothly. For example, a data scientist would know which statistical tests to run depending on the data types, how the metrics need to be measured and aggregated, and which kinds of visuals are most helpful. Without someone with that knowledge, a team may have trouble building an A/B testing solution.

4.1.5 Trade-offs

Building your own platform for feature flagging and experimentation comes with several benefits:

  • Flexibility over how it is deployed, and ability to customize what features to include and how they are implemented. For example, the team could choose whether to use classical statistics or Bayesian statistics for the experiment analysis.
  • Keep data in-house, reducing concerns around privacy and security

However, this approach also comes with a set of trade-offs:

  • Time and resources to build the feature flag management and A/B testing platform
  • Responsibility to maintain the system into the future

As we saw earlier, building an A/B testing platform completely from scratch is extremely hard and time consuming (expect at least 2,000 hours of work to get something decent) [5]. In other words, building the platform yourself is not free.

One must also consider the accuracy and reliability of the system. Maintaining reliable analytics pipelines is more difficult than one may think [6]. Therefore, as the ones who created the system, the team will also be responsible for maintaining it into the future.

4.2 Paid Solutions

The other option is to use a 3rd party feature flagging and A/B testing platform that handles the engineering aspects for you so that your team does not have to invest time into building and maintaining this system. Some well-known players are LaunchDarkly and Optimizely. Both are feature-rich and reliable. LaunchDarkly is a popular feature flag management platform that offers a wide range of features, such as A/B testing, targeting users by attribute, integrations with productivity tools, workflow automation, and a support team. Optimizely is a similar platform which focuses primarily on A/B testing. However, there are several trade-offs that come with this approach:

  • Since they are built by an external team, there is not as much flexibility for customization as an in-house platform. They would not be able to change what features to include and their implementation, or the types of statistical tests to use.
  • Using one of these services entails letting a third party store user data, which some business may not be comfortable with or legally allowed to.
  • They typically cost a monthly fee and can be out of budget for smaller companies.

5. Waypost

If Solar Flair was a bigger company with more engineers, then building their own system could be a good option. If they wanted a large set of features quickly and had a larger budget, then a paid solution like LaunchDarkly would be a good choice. However, the DIY option costs too much time and resources, and the paid option is too expensive for them and doesn’t allow them to customize the functionality. They also don’t need many extra features, as they only need to run simple experiments.

Therefore, there was an opportunity to create a feature flagging platform that fits the needs of small businesses like Solar Flair. We created Waypost, a feature flag management platform that specializes in A/B Testing. Waypost is self-hosted and open-source, so it is completely customizable while still containing the core features our target user needs.

competitor comparison

5.1 Architecture Overview

Waypost provides a feature flag and A/B testing solution through the integration of its own components (colored blue) and some existing infrastructure (colored red). The existing infrastructure is the application that is using feature flags and a PostgreSQL database for storing user event data, which will be referred to as the “Events DB”. For example, Solar Flair’s “Application” would be their web application that renders their website and their “Events DB” would be their existing user event database.

Waypost architecture
Waypost's Architecture

General Overview of the Components and their responsibilities:

  • The Manager Application is responsible for managing feature flags and experiments.
  • The Manager App sends copies of the flag data to the Flag Provider, which saves the copy and forwards it to each application running the Waypost SDK.
  • The SDK is embedded into an application and is responsible for evaluating flags at run-time, and thus allowing one to serve multiple versions of their website to their users. It also performs the assignment of users into treatments.
  • The developer using Waypost is responsible for supplying their existing user event logging solution, in which their application sends user event data to their Events DB.
  • The Manager App queries the Events DB when it runs statistical analysis for the experiments and displays the results in the Manager’s UI.

5.2 Manager Application

Manager app

The Manager App is what developers use to manage their feature flags and view experiment results. It also contains a statistics pipeline that performs the querying of data and statistical analysis for experiments. The Manager App has three components, a React.js application that serves as the User Interface (UI), a backend server built with Express.js, and a PostgreSQL database used for data persistence.

The Manager App’s UI provides features for developers and non-technical members of an organization to manage their flags and experiments:

Flags Dashboard

The Flags Dashboard displays all the flags being used by an application. From here you can toggle, delete, and create flags.

flags Dashboard demo

Flag Details Page

To visit the Details Page for any flag, click on a flag’s name on the Flags Dashboard. On this page can view and edit the name, description, and rollout percentage of the flag.

flag details page

This page also allows one to view and edit custom assignments. Custom assignments are used to ensure that a flag evaluates a certain way for a specific user.

For example, an internal member testing Solar Flair’s new quote form would add a custom assignment so when they connect to Solar Flair’s website the SDK will always serve them the new version of the quote form.

Custom assignment form

Create Experiment Form

From a Flag’s Details Page, one can create an experiment on a flag. The most important inputs are the percentage of users tested and the metrics being tested. Note, Waypost doesn’t stop experiments automatically, the duration input is only to help the experimenter plan.

Create experiment form

Flag Events Log

The Flag Events Log is used to keeping track of the changing state of one’s flags. It displays all flag events, like creation, deletion, toggling, and editing of a flag. This page is most useful for debugging, helping a developer make connections between bugs reported in their application and feature flags.

Event Log


This page is used to create an SDK key, which is used in SDK to Flag Provider communication.


The Manager App’s Backend Server is responsible for:

  • Managing API endpoints for supplying and editing flag and experiment data.
  • Sending flag data and the SDK key to the Flag Provider.
  • The statistics pipeline, which involves querying the Events DB for metric data at the end of an experiment and performing statistical analysis on it to obtain the experiment’s results.
  • The exposures pipeline, which involves querying the Events DB once a day for exposures data and aggregating it. The exposure data can be used by developers to know when to stop an experiment.
Manager App Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the Manager App’s Backend Server.

The Manager App’s PostgreSQL Database stores persistent experiment and flag data. Some examples are:

  • Data pertaining to a flag, like its name, status (on/off), and rollout percentage.
  • Flag event data, like at what time a flag was toggled, created, edited, or deleted.
  • Custom assignment data, which is used to evaluate a flag a desired way for specific users.
  • High-level experiment data, like id of the flag an experiment is on, the metrics being measured, the amount of users placed in the test and control groups, and the results of the experiment.
  • The most recent SDK key.
  • Database connection data, such as the credentials and URL of the Events DB.
  • Query strings used by the Manager App’s Backend to query the Events DB.

5.3 Flag Provider Service

The Flag Provider is a lightweight service that acts like a cache for flag data. It is responsible for providing up-to-date flag data to instances of the SDK.

Flag Provider
The Flag Provider receives updated Flag Data from the Manager Application and sends it to the SDKs in real time.

5.3.1 Why make providing flags a separate service?

As mentioned previously, the SDK is responsible for evaluating flags, so it must have a copy of that flag data and that flag data must be updated in real time in case a feature needs to be turned off immediately. The Manager App, which stores the flag data, could be connected to the SDK directly to serve it flags.

However, this solution isn’t very scalable because the specific functionality of managing SDK connections is intertwined with the Manager Application’s other duties. Scalability is important in this case, because the number of applications running the SDK can fluctuate significantly.

A better architecture for Waypost’s use case includes the Flag Provider, a service that is only responsible for sending updates to the SDK in real-time. The Flag Provider is lightweight and thus easily scalable.

5.3.2 Flag Provider Scaling

The Flag Provider Service has been load tested to determine how many connections to SDK clients it can handle. The maximum amount of connections is important for knowing when one would need to horizontally scale the Flag Provider. Based on our environment, response times were extremely fast. However, connections were refused starting at around 318 requests per second, indicating that the Flag Provider could sufficiently handle around 300 SSE connections at once. An organization using Waypost would therefore need to deploy more instances of the Flag Provider based on how many concurrent users they may have.

5.4 SDK

Waypost provides SDK’s for React.js (client-side) and Node.js (server-side). The SDK stores copies of the flag data and is responsible for evaluating flags, thus it is also responsible for rendering two versions of a site. In addition, the SDK assigns users into treatment groups for experiments.

Waypost SDK
The SDK allows developers to render multiple versions of a website.

The developer can use the SDK client’s evaluateFlag(flagName) method which will return a boolean value. This returned value is used in the app’s code to deliver one feature or another.

  if (sdkClient.evaluateFlag("Quote Form")) {
  } else {
What a feature flag looks like in an application using Waypost's SDK.

5.4.1 How Feature Evaluation Works

There are three flag attributes the evaluateFlag takes into account when evaluating:

  1. The status of a feature flag (on or off).
  2. Custom assignments on the flag.
  3. Rollout percentage of the flag.
Flag evaluation flow chart
How the SDK evaluates feature flags.

The custom assignment and rollout evaluation takes an additional input, a unique identifier (often a user ID). For custom assignments, the unique identifier associated with the user of the application is compared to the existing custom assignments on the flag.

For evaluating flags with rollout percentages (which includes all flags with experiments on them), a hashing function takes the user’s unique identifier as input and outputs a number from 0 to 99. Then, if the hash is less than the rollout percentage, the flag is “on” for that user, otherwise it is “off”.

The above explanation is the basis of how flags are evaluated with rollout percentages, but there’s a downside. If an application has multiple flags with experiments, some users would be placed in the test group for the majority of experiments instead the placement being more random. This is problematic because it increases the likelihood the one experiment would affect another. It introduces an external variable.

That’s why Waypost uses an offset that’s assigned to each flag with a rollout percentage. The offset moves the range of hashed user IDs that a flag is “on” for. For example, without an offset, two flags (Flag #1 and Flag #2) with 50% rollout percentages would both be “on” for users with hashed IDs from 0-49.

flag rollout 1
Rollouts without offset

If instead Flag #1 is given an offset of 30 and Flag #2 is given an offset of 5, then hashed IDs from 30-79 would receive Flag #1 and 5-54 would receive Flag #2.

flag rollout 1
Rollouts with offset

5.5 How Flag Data is Sent From Manager To SDKs

The SDK receives feature flag data from the Flag Provider Service via SSE (Server-Sent Events).

When an application that contains the Waypost SDK starts running, it sends an initial GET request to the Flag Provider to fetch the current feature flag data.

The SDK key is attached to this request and is validated by the Flag Provider before sending back a response. If the SDK key is invalid, the data will not be returned.

Whenever a change is made to a feature flag, the Manager App sends a webhook to the Flag Provider. This then triggers the Flag Provider to send the updated set of feature flags to the SDK via SSE.

Waypost data flow
Updated flag data is sent to the Flag Provider and then passed on to the SDKs.

5.6 How A/B Testing Works with Waypost

A/B Testing with Waypost involves three components, the Application (with the Waypost SDK within it), the Events DB, and the Manager App.

  • The Application places users in treatments and sends user event data to the Events DB.
  • Developers manage experiments in the Manager App’s UI. This includes creating metrics for their experiments, creating and stopping experiments, and viewing the results.
  • The Manager App’s Backend queries the Events DB for exposures and metric data and performs statistical analysis, and stores the results of the analysis in its own database.
User event data diagram
How components communicate to facilitate A/B testing with Waypost.

5.6.1 Events DB

In order to perform an A/B test with Waypost, the developers must have a database (that we call the Events DB) set up. The Events DB must contain their app’s user event data (e.g., clicks, impressions, conversions). This database must also contain a table that stores which treatment each user is assigned to when they are exposed to an experiment.

5.6.2 Connecting Manager App to Events DB

Before starting an experiment, the developer must connect the Events DB to the Manager App. They also must create the metrics they want to measure in the experiment.

To connect the Events DB and Manager App:

  1. The Events DB must give read access to the Manager App
  2. The developer must input the Events DB credentials and a query string into the database connection form in the UI (shown above). The query string is used to query the Events DB for exposures and must return data in the schema shown below.
Experiments table
Organization’s experiments table in the “Events DB” with desired schema (user_id, experiment_id, treatment, timestamp)
database connection form
Connecting to the Events DB from the UI. Note: the Events DB doesn’t have to be local. One can connect to their Events DB over the internet.

5.6.3 Metrics

To add metrics, the developer must provide:

  • The name
  • The type of metric
  • A query string, which is used to query the Events DB
New metrics page

After the Manager App confirms it can query the Events DB to obtain a metric, the developer can attach that metric to an experiment. Some common examples of metrics are:

  • Click-through rate
  • Signup rate
  • Time spent on site

5.6.4 Experiment Exposures Pipeline

Exposures pipeline

Once an experiment has been created, Waypost aggregates and analyzes this data. The Experiment Exposures Pipeline runs once every night to aggregate the number of users bucketed into each cohort of the experiment, and stores the aggregated data into a table in the Manager App’s database. In case the pipeline ever fails, it also checks for and backfills any missing data each time it runs. The Manager App then displays this as a line chart essentially depicting the sample size of each cohort over time. The purpose of this visualization is to help the developer understand the sample size and determine how much longer the experiment should run.

Exposures Graph
Example of the results of an experiment in the Manager App’s UI.

5.6.5 Statistics Pipeline

Once the developer is ready to view the results of their experiment, they can click on the “Refresh Results” button in the Manager App’s UI. This triggers the Statistics Pipeline, which:

  1. Queries the Events DB for the metrics being tracked for this experiment.
  2. Analyzes this data using statistical tests, using the *t-test* for continuous metrics (count, duration, revenue) and the *chi-squared* test for discrete metrics (binomial).
  3. Stores the results in the Waypost DB, which will be displayed in the UI as a table (shown below).

Information on how to interpret the statistical results are included in our documentation site.

Results page
Example of the results of an experiment in the Manager App’s UI.

6. Engineering Decisions and Trade-Offs

6.1 Hosted vs. Self-Hosted

To fully implement Waypost, a number of important engineering decisions had to made, one of which was whether the Waypost application would be hosted on the cloud or hosted by our users. We opted for a self-hosted option for a couple reasons:

6.1.1 Flexibility in Deployment Options

With a self-hosted product, users have the freedom to deploy Waypost in whichever environment they prefer, whether it’s deploying to a cloud service or hosting it on their local infrastructure. This means users can choose how the Waypost application is monitored and scaled.

6.1.2 Data Security and Availability

Having a feature flag management service hosted on-site keeps security concerns to a minimum by reducing an organization’s reliance on third-parties to host data. It’s impossible to know for sure that an external host will keep their data secure and that their servers will always be available. A self-hosted solution keeps these concerns in-house with full control of security and availability.

6.2 Collecting User Event Data

A critical component of A/B testing is the user event data that comes from the A and B versions of the application. Without it, no analysis can be performed. To collect user event data for analysis, there were to options to choose from:

  1. Let the organization collect the data and have Waypost query their database.
  2. Have Waypost collect the data and store it in its own database.
Collecting user event data
Two architectures: Organization collects the data & query their database (left) vs Waypost collects the data (right)

To make the decision, we considered our target user.

Like most companies interested in A/B testing, Solar Flair already has existing infrastructure to collect and store user event data. If Waypost was designed to collect user event data in order to run its statistical analysis, then an organization would need to add additional logging functions into their code to accommodate the second analytics platform. Waypost’s data collection system would be redundant.

Collecting user event data 2
If Waypost collected the data and user events were already being collected, Waypost’s collection system would be redundant.

With this in mind, we thought it would be advantageous to use the existing data instead of duplicating it by hosting our own analytics platform. By opting out of deploying an analytics platform with Waypost, organizations can remain in full control over their own event logging processes.

6.3 Communication Between Manager App and Flag Provider

In the earliest implementation of Waypost, the SDK clients connected directly to the Manager App. However, there are a number of issues with this approach.

6.3.1 The Downsides of the SDK and Manager App Communicating Directly

The biggest challenge is that the number of clients connecting to the Manager App is potentially quite large since there would be one instance for each visitor to the site. For example, if there were 500 users of an application with our SDK in it, the Manager App would have to manage 500 SSE connections in addition to handling the UI’s API calls and running statistical analysis. The sheer volume of requests creates a bottleneck that could have adverse effects on either the clients or the users interacting with the Manager App.

Backend connected to SDK
With this architecture, the Backend Server would be a bottleneck.

Another consequence of this architecture is that clients interface directly with the server that hosts Waypost’s data. If a bad actor knew the IP address of the Manager App, it would be susceptible to attacks. The alternative of separating these concerns by only allowing clients to interact with the Flag Provider minimizes exposure to Waypost’s data, thus creating a layer of security.

Lastly, coupling the management and serving of flag data means that the two services must scale up together instead of separately. With a separate Flag Provider, a developer can start up a new instance if the volume of SDK clients is too large for just a single instance to handle. This also allows an organization to reduce latency to the SDK clients by creating new flag provider instances physically closer to their users.

Flag Provider scalability
Multiple instances of the Flag Provider can be created to handle a growing amount of users.

6.3.2 How should the Flag Provider and Manager App Communicate?

Due to these concerns, we decided to implement an intermediary service to provide feature flag data to the SDK clients. To create such a service, we need a way for the Flag Provider to receive updated flag data from the Manager App. The three major options we considered implementing were polling, a message broker, and webhooks.

Polling is a method of communication that uses HTTP requests sent at a predefined interval to receive updated data. For example, if the Flag Provider used polling, it would send a GET request to the Manager App every 10 seconds. As a response the Manager App would send the flag data. The downsides to this method are the lack of real-time updates as requests are sent every 10 seconds. Also, this method means that lots of unnecessary requests are getting sent between servers, because the there will be intervals when the flag data never changes. If the flag data doesn’t change then the Flag Provider is sending GET requests for data that’s already up to date.


To remedy the issues with polling, it’s possible to use a similar method known as “long polling”. With long polling, a request gets sent to the server, and a response is only sent back when the server has a message to send. In the context of Waypost, an SDK client would send a request to the Flag Provider. If the flag data has changed since the previous GET request, then the server would send back the updated flags. Otherwise, the server would wait to send a response until the flags are updated. Despite its benefits, we decided against long polling because it still requires a high volume of requests to be verified and processed by the server.

Long Polling

Another option we considered was a message broker. A message broker is a commonly used tool that allows services to communicate with one another. A message broker exchanges information through a system of publishers and subscribers. Within the context of Waypost, here’s how a message broker would work:

  1. In the event that the flag data is updated, a message containing the flag data is published to the message broker.
  2. The Flag Provider pulls the message from the message broker and saves the flag data to memory.

A message broker is a good option because communication between the two services will be event-driven and happen in real-time. Also, the message broker gives some degree of fault tolerance. If the Flag Provider goes down for any reason, messages sent from the Manager App will be available once it is up and running again. Additionally, a message broker eliminates the need to create API endpoints on the two services.

The main trade-offs to this approach are that it would increase the complexity of the architecture. There’s now another component to maintain and secure. Message brokers can also make debugging difficult because there’s now another component logging errors.

Due to these reasons, we turned to another option, webhooks.

Message Broker
Message Broker

A webhook is an HTTP request that gets sent to another server when a predefined event occurs. In our case, whenever an update is made to either the feature flag data or the SDK key, the Manager App sends a webhook to the Flag Provider with the updated data. The Flag Provider saves the data to memory and forwards the flag data to any SDK clients that are connected. Using this event-driven approach of sending a webhook on updates allows the Flag Provider to have the latest version of the flag data.


The Flag Provider also should only make updates to its flag data if the webhook it received was from the Manager App. To implement this, the Manager App attaches a header to each webhook with a secret key that only the Flag Provider and Manager App have access to. If the verification header does not match the secret key, then the request is rejected.

6.4 Providing Feature Flag Data to SDK

The main purpose of the Flag Provider is to ensure that clients running the Waypost SDK receive up-to-date feature flag data. This ensures that SDK clients will have the data they need when they’re expected to have it. One example of why this is crucial is in event of a new feature causing an application-crashing bug. A developer, when notified of the issue, would toggle the flag that contained the new feature. One would want that new flag data to be sent to the SDKs as fast as possible upon toggling.

The options we considered for communicating between SDK clients and the Flag Provider were WebSockets and Server-Sent events (SSE).

6.4.1 WebSockets vs. Server-Sent Events

WebSocket is a communication protocol that allows bidirectional communication through a single TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol can be described using three phases:

  1. An initial GET request with some special headers are sent from the client to the server. This allows the server to establish a connection using the WebSocket protocol.
  2. The client and server communicate with each other. Messages can be sent back and forth using the WebSocket connection.
  3. The connection is closed when either the client and server call a “close connection” method.

WebSocket is useful because only one connection needs to be made and communication between the two entities is real time. The main downside of WebSockets, for our use case, is that we don’t ever need to send messages from the client to the server. In other words, we don’t need two-way communication. Another minor concern of using WebSocket is that it adds some development overhead. It typically requires more code than other methods, and it bars us from using useful HTTP functionality.


Server-Sent Events, or SSE, only allows for unidirectional communication between the server and a client. Whenever feature flag data is updated on the Flag Provider, new data is sent to all the clients that are connected. This approach minimizes latency, creates a real-time stream of feature flag data, and reduces the number of connections that need to be made with the server. Here’s how SSE works:

  1. The client sends a request to the server.
  2. The server responds, confirming that the connection has been made.
  3. The server can now send messages to the client in response to events.

The drawback to using SSE is that the connection can occasionally be dropped. Connections are dropped when a browser exceeds six open connections or the connection remains inactive for 30 seconds. For this reason, the Waypost SDK automatically re-establishes lost connections after a connection is lost using the EventSource API.

Server-Sent Events

To ensure that each SSE connection is valid, the SDK client sends an SDK key in the initial request to the Flag Provider. The Flag Provider, who stores a copy of the SDK key, checks that the stored key matches the key provided by the client. Invalid keys are rejected, while valid ones are permitted to make a connection.

6.5 Statistics Pipeline

The statistics pipeline is a crucial piece of our architecture. The pipeline consists of three steps:

  1. Aggregate the metrics from the Events DB during the experiment’s time frame.
  2. Group the data by experiment and by treatment group.
  3. Run statistical tests on the data and write results.

This pipeline could take a lot of time and resources to run if a company had a large volume of user event data and several experiments running. Thus, it was important to decide:

  • How often to run this pipeline.
  • Whether to deploy on a separate server or on the Manager App’s server. If the pipeline took a long time to run, then having it on the Manager App’s back-end could block other operations such as updates to flags.
seperate stats server
Waypost's architecture if statistical analysis is done on the Backend Server (left) vs its own server (right).

6.5.1 How often to run the pipeline

If the pipeline was run frequently, such as each time the page was loaded, the developer using Waypost could quickly access up-to-date experiment results without having to wait, which would be the ideal user experience. However, the trade-off with this is that it would take up a large amount of computing resources.

This can be optimized by taking into account how often a developer would need to see the results. As a general rule, experimenters should not look at an experiment’s results until it is completed, because peeking increases the false positive rate [7]. That means there isn’t a need to constantly refresh results.

Therefore, Waypost has a button called “Refresh Results”, which triggers the statistics pipeline when clicked. This means that the results will only be computed when necessary, which saves server resources.

6.5.2 Deploy pipeline on separate server or on Manager App’s server

A concern with this approach was that the pipeline may take a long time to run, blocking other operations and leading to a negative experience for the user. However, the pipeline took less than a second to run when tested with a dataset of 10,000 users in the experiment with 2 metrics (our estimate for the average Waypost user), thus eliminating that concern. Given the performance, Waypost has the statistics pipeline on the same server as the Manager App instead of provisioning a dedicated server for it. The pipeline runs infrequently and typically takes less than a second to run, therefore one does not have to worry about it blocking other operations.

7. Future Work

7.1 Extended Database Integration

As Waypost currently exists, developers can only connect to an external PostgreSQL database when analyzing user event data. In reality, organizations use a variety of different database technologies. Companies who store user event data with something besides PostgreSQL will need to either load the data into a Postgres database themselves, or alter Waypost’s source code to be able to connect to something different. A future iteration of Waypost would aim to address this need by adding more database support.

7.2 Feature Flags by Application

Another valuable addition to Waypost would be to separate feature flag data by application. If an organization runs multiple applications, it would be ideal for each application to only receive feature flag data that pertained to that it. Currently, Waypost sends each application all the feature flag data. Separating feature flags by application would reduce the amount of data being sent to each SDK client and also make it so applications would only be able to read their own feature flag data.

7.3 Login Capability

A login capability would have many useful benefits, especially in terms of administration. By requiring users to log in to the management application, an admin would be able to keep track of and control who edits data and who has permission to edit data. To adhere to the principle of least privilege, an admin could make sure that each team only has access to the exact data they need. Also, if a flag looks like it was toggled erroneously, an admin could check who edited it last and reach out to them to discuss whether it was a mistake or not.

7.4 Additional Language Support for SDKs

To allow Waypost to be used by as many developers as possible, it would be beneficial to add additional language support for SDKs. As of right now, Waypost can only support users who use React and/or node for their applications. Waypost could expand its usage by adding support for other common languages such as Go, Ruby, Python, Java, and C++.

8. Glossary

  • Metrics - measures of quantitative assessment commonly used for assessing, comparing, and tracking performance or production
  • Controlled Experiment - an experiment in which all the variable factors in an experimental group and a comparison control group are kept the same except for one variable factor in the experimental group that is changed or altered
  • Statistically Significant - a determination that a relationship between two or more variables is caused by something other than chance.
  • Data Pipeline - a set of actions that ingest raw data from disparate sources and move the data to a destination for storage and analysis [source].
  • Backfill - any process that involves modifying or adding new data to existing records in a dataset
  • Continuous data - data that can take any value within a range, such as a person’s weight
  • Discrete data - data that is countable and distinct, and can only take certain values, such as number of signups.

9. References

  1. Gallo, Amy. “A Refresher on A/B Testing”,
  2. Parzych, Dawn. “What are Feature Flags”,
  3. Hodgson, Pete. “Feature Toggles (aka Feature Flags)”,
  4. Haddad, Rowan. “Fun with Flags: Where to Store Feature Flags”,
  5. Dorn, Jeremy. “Open Source A/B Testing”,
  6. Pam, Robin. “Build vs. Buy: Choosing the Right Experimentation Solution”,
  7. Miller, Evan. “How Not to Run an A/B Test”,


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We are currently looking for opportunities. If you liked what you saw and want to talk more, please reach out!

  • Julia Martin

    Seattle, WA

  • Sean Richardson

    Washington, DC

  • Caleb Smith
